Mt. Zion
Baptist Church
The children and youth ministry provides opportunities for youth to fulfill the Great Commission.
Director, Sister Kim Billings
This group meets to discuss the lesson in a spiritual and practical manner.
Teacher: Dr. Brenda Simmons
Acting Superintendent - Dea. Collins
Acting Secretary - Sis. Collins
This ministry provides music in service for the church and shares the love of Christ in song.
The deacons ministry works with Pastor in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Chairman, Deacon Robert Collins
The deaconess ministry works with the Deacons in fulfilling the Great Commission.
President, Deaconess Barbara Collins
Church Mother, Sister Lucille Russell
Shares and serves to provide meals for services of the church.
If you are looking for a place to use your God-given talents and abilities,
consider Mt. Zion as a house of worship.
We welcome all to Mount Zion. There is room here for you and your family.
This list is not exhaustive and incomplete and will continue to grow.
How is God calling you?
Email - with any questions.
This ministry provides transportation to and from service as needed or requested.
This ministry provides maintaining the church for worship and service.
This ministry provides financial and stewardship for the church.
This ministry provides greeting and seating for all members and visitors of the church.
President - Sis. Dot Funnye
This ministry provides fellowship, activities for all males both young and old of Mt. Zion.
President, Deacon Virgil Foster
This ministry provides fellowship, activities for all women both young and old of Mt. Zion.
President, Reverend Kathryn Hester